Exporting Markdown

Exporting Markdown

Exporting your knowledge base from Recall is a great way to create a backup of your data or move it to another app that you use. Recall allows you to export your knowledge base in Markdown format, which is a plain text format that is easy to read and can be opened in any text editor and many other note taking tools.

There are two ways to export your knowledge base in Recall: exporting a single page or exporting your entire knowledge base.


The Export to Markdown button is only available in the Recall Web App and not in the mobile app.

Exporting a Single Page

To export a single page from Recall, follow these steps:

  1. Open the knowledge card you want to export.
  2. Click on the Export to Markdown button located in the card menu at the top-right of the card as shown below.
Export single card

Copy Markdown to Clipboard

An alternative quick way to export a single card as markdown in to just click the "Copy as Markdown" button in the browser extension. This will copy the markdown to your clipboard and you can paste it into any text editor or note taking app.

Copy Markdown to clipboard

Exporting Your Entire Knowledge Base

To export your entire knowledge base from Recall, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the main app menu (in the top right of the screen) and select Settings.
  2. In the settings menu, click the Export button. This will download a zip file containing all your knowledge cards in Markdown format.